Digital & Paperback Books
namas youniversity recommended teachings
The following books are part of the curriculum of NAMAS YOUNIVERSITY where the SANAT KUMARA (Spiritual Head of Earth) along with GOD SHIVA, YESHUA (a.k.a. Jesus), MOTHER MARY, and more Master Teachers provide New Earth teachings for the expansion of consciousness and establishment of the new age to come.
The Chronicles of SANAT KUMARA is a consciousness-expanding novel series for spiritual seekers of all cultures and faiths. It is centered around the frequency shift from the third through the fifth dimension which will be completed in 2032. The Shift will take humanity, all life on and in Earth, as well as Earth herself, back on track to their tasks within the plan of Creation.
The SANAT KUMARA, the Spiritual leader of the world, sends a special commando of highly developed beings to the blue planet. Trusian and her team are to help him expand human consciousness to an as yet unimaginable extent. The task is to lead the human family back to its purpose in the cosmic plan by the end of the 21st century, before it destroys its livelihood in the struggle for money, power, prestige, and raw materials.
For more than twelve hundred years, Aachen Cathedral has been home to a secret that will realign the entire planet Earth and the very course of the human family. Lucia and the Triangle of Light embrace the task of opening the Divine Gift - GOD's Station. But men clinging to power and custom do their utmost to prevent the dawn of a new era. This spiritual novel contains 29 color illustrations.
Caught up in male power fantasies and structures, the Vatican fails to face the true challenges of humanity, time, and Earth. But three women, as a triangle of light guided by YESHUA (a.k.a. Jesus), and supported by many others, dare to ignite the human family's unity with Creator and Earth in Vatican City for everyone visiting the Vatican to experience that unity. This spiritual novel contains 25 color illustrations.
With 23 poetic affirmations, invocations and watercolors the SANAT KUMARA would like to open the door for you to lead a spiritually guided life. Through the Earth’s frequency leap from the third through the fifth dimension, the separating veil is lifted more and more and you are increasingly able to communicate not only with your soul but also with Master Teachers, Off-Earth Allies, Nature Beings and the SANAT KUMARA yourself. This e-booklet is for you to have on hand, read daily at least once and consult on your smartphone or tablet wherever you go. It enables you to connect with higher guidance.
This is a visual journey to expand your consciousness, a meditation in 40 portal paintings provided by The SANAT KUMARA. It is effective with anyone who looks with the innocent eyes of a child. The meditation brings you onto the level of unity consciousness that your soul can share with The SANAT KUMARA in the 11th dimension. At the end of the meditation, The SANAT KUMARA shares information about himself that was never revealed before. View the meditation on a device with as large a color screen as possible, your computer, tablet, smartphone or reader.
For the first time since Lemuria, these 12 abilities provided by the Twelve-Strand Sun Diamond DNA are available to you now: to visit and be in your cosmic home; cosmic perception; to communicate telepathically; meet with your cosmic ancestors; ride dragons; raise your light; understand light language; read your Akashic and Cosmic Records; read your contracts; clear your ego chamber; read and program crystals; and to be in many places simultaneously. In his eBook, the SANAT KUMARA describes how this came about and how you can utilize these abilities now.
In ‘The Reemergence Of Atlantis,’ GOD SHIVA focuses on the new age teachings by explaining in detail the relationship with self, the relationship with God, the importance of the soul mission of incarnated souls for Earth, how one can become eligible to enter the new Earth, and the different kingdoms of Earth waiting for humanity to unite. The knowledge shared in this book was common on Earth during the time of Atlantis.
The activation of the Divine’s Cosmic Communication Station at the Birla Temple in Hyderabad, India by Kohmahl, and triangle of Light Beings in February 2024 is a milestone in Earth’s history. The CCS is what you may call the Divine’s nervous system for this Universe. It provides up-to-date messages to individuals. Birla Mandir is now the second out of five stations that have been activated. Aachen Cathedral (in Germany) was activated in May 2021.
Set aside what you think you know about the world and its workings. We are living in a time of unparalleled change. By fully connecting with your Soul, thus allowing guidance by the living light of our Divine Eternal Source, you will make your most valuable contribution. This book will put you in touch with a simple and effective way to do just that. Get a glimpse of what’s in store for you, and awaken your Soul’s memory of creation and manifestation.
The Amaya Mysteries takes you on an otherworldly adventure from the human body’s library of mind to islands, coastlines, moors, forested lands, mountains, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, renowned artwork, and far-away cosmic destinations. You will meet Devas, Dragons, Ancestors, Master Teachers, Conree, and Off-Earth Allies collaborating with humans they trust. Working hand in hand they uncover mysterious secrets, activate concealed functions, reunite all forms of life, allowing humans to rediscover the unity and harmony of all life on Earth and beyond.